Part: 2
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Dreams & prophecies links:
HEARTBREAK & SEPARATION (received September
27th, 1990 Thursday, having just moved from Tulsa,
Oklahoma to Novato, California)
dream: I saw George Bush and he was
standing in front of a white tent. I can’t say he
was doing anything.
In the next scene I was called up to
this high-rise mansion or called up to this complex
area and I was told that my mother had died. I was
issued a rifle and I had to search around for
ammunition. I was only given a limited amount of
ammunition and I was given a rifle. Then it was
impressed upon me that I needed to go out and defend
the coast. I went out along the California Coast and
there were enemy soldiers coming in "IN THE
HORDES" to take over the country. On this same
beach I saw a young boy in the distance who appeared
to be my son and who was running frantically toward
me thinking I was his dad. As we got closer together
and could clearly recognize one another I realized
that he was not my son and he saw that I was not his
father. We were both grieved and heartbroken, in
this instance, because we, like others, had
experienced separation from our families and loved
In the next scene there were very
long trains with open box cars having blue
rubberized vinyl covers. Inside one of these
boxcars, with the blue rubberized vinyl covers, were
my wife and two children. They were real cold, and
they were being transported to some location like
Siberia where they were to be given a place to live.
The place where they were to live looked much like
the large apartment complexes built all over Germany
after World War II. They really weren’t that bad,
but it was not an individual home like you would
find in the United States, rather, it was more like
the living quarters found in a European Country.
In this dream, my wife, who in
reality is quite slim, was very heavy set with
freckles on her face and a scarf on her head. She
looked very much like a Russian Woman. My wife
actually appeared more than heavy set, she actually
appeared to be pregnant.
Once again, at the end of the dream,
there was much separation of families between the
fathers and mothers and the children with much
heartbreak and grief.
From: Celia
R. Okhuysen
I must also add that I received
further visions, dreams and prophecies in
abbreviated format on the same subject by e-mail
which unfortunately are not posted on the Web. One
particular e-mail was on a brief excerpt of a book
entitled "Destiny of America" by Timothy
G. Snodgrass (Prophetic Intelligence Network, P. O.
Box 1242, Bend, OR 97709). He outlines one
particular vision in which he saw a nuclear attack
on America. He details the ensuing death, by
radiation, of many people while many others
"wandered aimlessly, having a look of
hopelessness and death written on their faces."
Famine and poverty were everywhere. He was carried
in the Spirit throughout the country to witness
America’s post-nuclear attack and destruction,
particularly California. He also speaks of the
"war in the heavens." There were
"many clashes and dogfights with the Chinese in
the air." He also saw Chinese troops
"landing on our shores and gathering people
into camps." (See ARTICLES—"The Coming
American Holocaust") He gives a strong, graphic
account of everything shown him which lines up with
many of the visions and dreams referred to here.
The following two posts appeared on
an e-mail list hosted by Eaglenet
Date: 12 April, 1999
Todd Jumper wrote:
As we were on our way home Friday
afternoon from upstate New York, as we had been on
Ester Vacation, I dozed off as usual in the van.
About halfway home I began to have a extremely vivid
vision like dream where I was standing with some
Chinese men in military uniforms. They were loading
up trucks with nuclear missiles and other weapons
and also arming weapons with the missiles. The man
in charge said "This should teach Clinton a
lesson he will never forget." The man in charge
then showed me a map of the United States with large
red circles in each place where they were going to
attack - I could even reproduce the map he showed
me. I looked down over a valley where I saw
thousands of Chinese ready for war. The man in
charge then shouted "It shall be done!"
and they fired their primary weapons, it was so loud
that I was slammed awake back into my body and
almost fell out of the car seat. Carrie then told me
that the news on the radio was talking about China
and they were upset because Clinton would not allow
them as a trading route until they raised the morals
and the way they treat people in their country. So
perhaps my dream was induced by the radio which I
was hearing subconsciously but the dream was
extremely real.
Todd Jumper
[TheEagle-L] Re: Vision of China
I have had dreams of fighting the
Chinese soldiers. In one dreem when I was a teen, I
was in a zodiac boat with other people in camoflage
going down a river [in the U.S.?]. We saw a tin
shack with a radio tower next to it. We went in the
shack to look at the equipment. I saw a patrol boat
with Chinese soldiers coming up the river. I quickly
got some wire and hooked the wire to the door and
the other end to a large battery in the shack and
aimed my rifle at the door. As soon as heard a
scream I shot trough the door and the recoil of the
rifle woke me up. And I had another dream involving
Chinese soldiers I was on a highway walking when I
came across burned vehicles and other sorts of
debris. I saw a Chinese soldier standing up above a
crowd of people saying to surrender to us and you
will have a better life. I came across a 50Cal.
machine gun in one of the overturned trucks and I
could only find 3 rounds and they were chained
together. I loaded the gun and fired on the soldier
and I woke up. These dreams were strange. I had
these dreams before I knew about China and what a
threat they [may be] to the U.S. I don't have dreams
about killing ether except in these two dreems. And
I don't fantasize about killing.
Conan C. Harris
From: Gail
...U. S. INVADED: Shortly after the
second earthquake the United States will be attacked
by invading forces. Russia will invade the East
coast and China the West coast. The invasion will
include missile attacks. She was shown that the
invasion would occur when people were eating and
drinking which Gail believes to be Thanksgiving, but
possibly Christmas. There will be nuclear attacks on
both coasts, Las Vegas, and perhaps in Utah. [Note:
This is supposed to take place following an October
Wall Street economic COLLAPSE, which will be
followed by a long-lasting quake 10 days later, and
a MAJOR quake that will break many dams 15 days
following the first quake. She saw the invasion
taking place near or shortly after the second quake.
3 1/2 years after the first two quakes, two more
MEGA-QUAKES will hit that will shake the entire
planet and will kill millions and literally cause
whole mountain ranges to rise and fall].
...Many, including Isaiah and Gayle,
have been shown the invasion of the US by Russia on
the east coast and China on the west coast. Isaiah
says that the invading forces, after accomplishing
great destruction will be stopped by divine
intervention and themselves destroyed &/or
driven back. One man was told that the invasion
would occur after the US ships troops to Korea.
[Note: Gail has also stated that she has had
dreams/visions of what may be destined to be the
greatest military ground battle in the history of
the world, which will take place in the Nevada
desert between Eastern and Western military forces].
From: Dan
[Hopi Prophecy]: "...The
liberators will come in from the west with great
force. They will drop down from the sky like rain.
They will have no mercy. We must not get on the
house tops to watch. They will shake us by our ears,
like children who have been bad. This will be the
final decisive battle between good and evil. This
battle will cleanse the heart of people and restore
our Mother Earth from illness, and the wicked will
be gotten rid of."
The following is from Kathy Kritz,
and was submitted to the Berean Bible School's
Prophetic Mailing List [now inactive!?]:
29 May, 1997
Dear Vanguard;
I wanted to share what I have been
seeing traveling from our home to our church for the
past six months. After reading about the different
reports coming in I thought this would be the right
timing, I have been asking the Lord what this means.
I have been seeing (but wasn't revealed the meaning)
except it was China taking over different pockets of
the USA.
My family and I live about 40 miles
to our church so we have to drive every Sunday to
get there. For the past 6 months or so whenever we
get to a certain area I begin to see these soldiers
in black pants with red jackets, black boots with
some kind of emblem on their lapel. (I cannot see
the emblems impression yet I know it plays a
significant role in identification and time). Anyway
these soldiers are scattered in groups where they
have taken over this area (roughly covering an area
of about two small cities population).
I just see them standing around but
sense they are from China and this has been a
takeover of this area. There are no Americans in
sight but a sense of devastation and imprisonment
all about this area of Americans and homes being
confiscated. That is all I have but it occurs at the
same place everytime. We live about 40 miles south
of Nashville, Tn and our church is approximately 2
miles from Nashville. The Lord has also confirmed
this through my son which is 13. He has dreams of us
being in underground caves fighting the Chinese, my
husband as well has had dreams of our family being
in the mountains fighting gorilla warfare from enemy
forces. They are too much to go into but the Lord
usually gives the dreams to them out of the blue. Of
course my son does not evaluate them, he just wakes
up sometimes and tells me Mom let me tell you about
my dream, and it is usually prophetic in nature of
what the Lord is showing me as well as my husband.
We try not to focus on the dreams so that my son
will not manufacture them. Actually we do not even
talk much about it but listen to what he says in the
dream and take it to the Lord later by ourselves.
A few years back I read the story of an
American woman who ran a business in Hong Kong. She
fired one of the Chinese workers, who went into a
rage [probably justifiable] against the forces of
western corporate imperialism. He told her with full
assurace that one day China would stage a massive
military invasion of the USA. They would flood into
the coast in the millions in massive wave after wave
of invaders. They expected heavy losses, however the
living soldiers would simply walk over the bodies of
their dead comerades, and continue the battle. They
would be like a massive wave of army ants,
unstoppable [consider that Red China's active
military numbers well over 5 million with tens of
millions of "reserves", whereas the
U.S.A.'s active military force numbers less than one
million, and most of these are entabgled in foreign
U.N. "peace keeping" operations. This does
not include Russia, Cuba, the Arab League or any
other nation that might choose to side with China in
a military invasion of the USA]. Eventually,
according to this former Chinese employee, the
Americans would eventually run out of bullets and
the invaders would prevail as a result of sheer
numbers. Shades of Revelation chapter 18?
Actually, while investigating this
possibility, I have discovered that there have been
MANY OTHERS who have predicted an inevitable global
showdown between the forces of Communism and
Capitalism, and their respective 'World Order'
agendas. Here are some of the
claims/prophecies/visions and so on that I have come
across to date. This seems to involve the use BY a
Euro-American New World Order agenda of Russian and
Chinese U.N. troops to help bring the USA into
subjection to a Capitalist based "New World
Order". However based on information I have
heard through the "grapevine", Russia and
China may merely be towing the party line of the
"New World Order" for NOW, in order to
establish a foothold in the USA through the U.N.
"Trojan Horse", however once inside they
will apparently dump the U.N. agenda and anything to
do with the Euro-American based "New World
Order" and implement their OWN agenda of a
Sino-Russian based "Red World Order" [if
you will], in that the old Communist factions of
China and Russia will NEVER submit themselves to a
New World Order that is centered outside of Asia,
nor one that is run by capitalist western
international banking empires. So then, determine
what you will regarding what follows:
Excerpt from George Washington's angelic
vision at Valley Forge in 1777, of World War III and
a military invasion of the USA, as related by:
Wesley Bradshaw
"...And again I heard the mysterious
voice saying, 'Son of the Republic, look and learn.'
At this, the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to
his mouth and blew three distinct blasts; and taking
water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe,
Asia, and Africa. Then my eyes beheld a fearful
scene. From each of these countries arose thick,
black clouds that were soon joined into one. And
throughout this mass, there gleamed a dark red light
by which I saw hordes of armed men, who, moving with
the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to
America, which country was enveloped in the volume
of cloud. And I dimly saw these vast armies
devastate the whole country, and burn the villages,
towns and cities that I beheld springing up.
"As my ears listened to the
thundering of the cannon, clashing of swords, and
the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat.,
I again heard the mysterious voice saying, 'Son of
the Republic, look and learn.' When the voice had
ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet
once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful
"Instantly a light as of a thousand
suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke
into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped
America. At the same moment the angel upon whose
head still shone the word 'Union,' and who bore our
national flag in one hand and a sword in the other,
descended from the heavens attended by legions of
white spirits. These immediately joined the
inhabitants of America, who I perceived were
well-nigh overcome, but who immediately taking
courage again closed up their broken ranks and
renewed the battle. Again, amid the fearful noise of
the conflict, I heard the mysterious voice saying,
'Son of the Republic, look and learn.'
"As the voice ceased, the shadowy
angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean
and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark
cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had
brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land
"Then once more I beheld the
villages, towns and cities, springing up where I had
seen them before, while the bright angel, plating
the azure standard he had brought in the midst of
them, cried with a loud voice: 'While the stars
remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the
earth, so long shall the Union last.' And taking
from his brow the crown on which was blazoned the
word 'Union,' he placed it upon the Standard, while
the people, kneeling down, said 'Amen.'
From: Don A.
...Russian and Chinese forces are also
very active in Canada. They are re-building and
strengthening railroad tracks for the anticipated
heavy use of railway transportation of incoming
military personnel from the west coast (both Russian
and Chinese forces) as well as transporting military
vehicles and armaments and food supplies. New Tracks
are also being laid between border states and
Canada. Those people who are arrested as resisters
or dissidents will also be transported in specially
prepared boxcars to the death camps already
established near the border, such as the one near
Cut Bank, MT, (see report titled - The Death Camp of
Cut Bank, Montana.) The death camp outside of Cut
Bank has been conveniently located right off a major
AMTRAK express line in the anticipation of
transporting resisters and dissidents conveniently
to their deaths by rail. Reports have been received
form INTEL sources nationwide which indicate that
certain boxcars are quietly being renovated from the
inside so that they can be used for prisoner
transport to such death camps, [Editor’s Note:
While I Have no proof of these reports, they do
match Bible prophecy - so I include them here. In
addition, I have heard this report from several
credible sources. " In the mouth of two or
three witnesses shall every word be
In anticipation of the coming invasion
from Russia and China, Canada has even gone so far
as to disband it’s Western coast guard divisions,
thus they are open to amphibious invasion forces.
According to our veteran intelligence source in New
England, the Chinese are very much anticipating an
amphibious invasion of America from the West. This
was openly evidenced recently through the
presentation of a documentary report over the BBC
television in London which detailed amphibious
forces practicing war maneuvers and strategy in the
Formosa Straits.
When BBC newsmen were permitted to
interview these soldiers in training, they
repeatedly asked them the same question. "What
are you preparing to use this training for?"
The shocking, consistent reply was: "FOR THE
INVASION OF AMERICA!" When it became clear that
the gaff in security was created by airing this
broadcast over television in England, its scheduled
re-broadcast for the next day was hastily canceled.
(Speculate no more on the suspicious suicide of
Admiral Michael Borda... I was informed that he was
terminated because of his refusal to cooperate in
the covert plan by our traitorous NWO forces within
our own government to assist in the coming invasion
of America. When he refused to go along with the
plan to covertly bring Chinese forces into America
thru the use of our own Navy vessels, orders were
given from high to terminate him.)
From: Marlys
...Some years ago while I lived near
Portland, Oregon, I had a dream in which I saw asian
soldiers with faces of iron attacking Astoria,
Oregon, 50 miles away, and killing everyone in
sight. People were stepping to their front doors to
see what the noise was about and were suddenly
killed. The number of soldiers was spectacular.
Their mercilessness shocking...demonic. Many others
have had the same dream.
From: Dumitru
I prayed. then went to bed. I was still
awake, when suddenly I heard a trumpet sound. A
voice cried out to me, "Stand!"
In my vision, I was in America. I walked
out out of home, and began to look for the one who
had spoken to me. As I looked, I saw three men
dressed alike. Two of the men carried weapons. One
of the armed men came to me. "I woke you to
show you what is to come," he said. "Come
with me."
I didn't know where I was being taken,
but when we reached a certain place he said,
"Stop here!"
A pair of binoculars was handed to me,
and I was told to look through them.
"Stand there, don't move, and
look," he continued. "You will see what
they are saying, and what they are preparing for
As I was looking, I saw a great light. A
dark cloud appeared over it. I saw the president of
Russia, a short, chubby man, who said he was the
president of China, and two others. the last two
also said where they were from, but I did not
understand. However, I gathered they were part of
Russian controlled territory. The men stepped out of
the cloud.
The Russian president began to speak to
the Chinese one. "I will give you the land with
all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the
Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from
A voice said to me, "Watch where the
Russians penetrate America." Then I saw these
words being written: Alaska, Minnesota, Florida.
Then the man spoke again," When
America goes to war with China, the Russians will
strike without warning."
The other two presidents spoke, "We,
too, will fight for you." Each had a place
already planned as a point of attack. All of them
shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a
One of them said, "We're sure that
Korea and Cuba will be on our side, too. Without a
doubt, together, we can destroy America."
The president of Russia began to speak
insistently, "Why let ourselves be led by the
Americans? Why not rule the world ourselves? They
have to be kicked out of Europe, too! Then I could
do as I please with Europe!"
The man standing beside me said,
"This is what you saw: they act as friends, and
say they respect the treaties made together. But
everything I've shown you is how it will REALLY
happen. You must tell them what is being planned
against America. Then, when it comes to pass, the
people will remember the words the Lord has
"Who are you?" I asked. "I
am the protector of America. America's sin has
reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He
can no longer stand such wickedness. God, however,
still has people that worship Him with a clean heart
as they do His work. He has prepared a heavenly army
to save these people."
As I looked, a great army,well armed and
dressed in white, appeared before me. "Do you
see that?" the man asked. "This army will
go to battle to save My chosen ones. Then, the
difference between the Godly and the ungodly will be
From: Zelma
In 1954 and written then. I was almost
afraid to tell my vision of war and invasion in
America; so I called Brother Roy Johnson and asked
him if he thought I ought, and he said I should as
no doubt God had given it as a warning, but now a
lot of people got stirred up and left the coast, and
I have been told that they are laying the blame to
me, saying I told them to go. But Jesus knows the
truth, and that is all that really matters. I only
hope it doesn't hurt my ministry for Jesus' sake.
I'd hate for my friends that I love to think such a
thing. I only told what God showed me and then told
the people to pray.
I was praying at home before I ever went
to South Bend, Washington, and God spoke to me in
prophecy and said, "You will see what they see,
hear what they hear, and you will sit among them and
be astonished seven days, and you will put your hand
over your mouth." I couldn't understand what He
meant, but I never once doubted that it was from
God; and it was, for it came to pass.
I had the first vision two nights before
going. It was in the night before I had gone to
sleep when I saw a big relief map of the USA––no
states marked off and just in colors of greens and
tans. Then I saw a black strip come on the West
Coast as black as black paint. It came quickly, like
taking a paintbrush and making a quick stripe down
the west border from Seattle to lower California.
Then it began to spread slowly like ink in a
blotter, and I cried out, "What is it,
Lord?" for I could not understand it and did
not think of war. Then all at once the word
"invasion" I heard, I believe in an
audible voice. I said, "Lord, will they take
all of America?" And He answered, no, that it
would take the western states. In fact, the exact
words were, "They will not be stopped until
they reach the Middle West."
I woke my husband and told him He did not
want me to go to South Bend, but I felt I must go to
South Bend and went. I was not afraid. In fact, I
told him this: "If it's God, He will confirm
it. If not, I don't want to listen."
So I forgot it entirely the first two
weeks in South Bend. The third week I wakened out of
a sound sleep as if someone had shaken me roughly.
Then I saw the terrible war. The soldiers were
Chinese and a few Russians. They were dressed in red
coats and caps and light khaki trousers, almost
white. They ran in a sort of hop-skip way, and they
squealed as they fought. They looked to be in a
fiendish flee. They would plunge their bayonets in
the people's belly and rip them up. They were
devils. It was fiendish hell turned loose.
This time I did not intend to tell it
either, but I called Brother Johnson, and he said to
go ahead. I still didn't intend to tell it, but on
Monday eve at Aberdeen fellowship meeting I told it,
and seven Holy Ghost-filled people, the best I can
remember the number, came and told me visions of the
same. For one solid week people came, and there was
such a stir that I found myself astonished, almost
afraid to speak and finally caught myself with my
hand covering my mouth as God had said, and I was
determined not to mention it again; and I saw a
third vision of Christian martyrs and remembered
what God had said, and that's how it went. The
vision of the saints suffering was the worst, and I
can never forget it––torture and rape and
everything terrible.
When I came home and told Kirk, he said,
"We will leave the coast." I cried and
begged him not to go. I told him God was our refuge
and strength, and he said this: "God showed you
what to do. Do you think He will bless us if you
don't obey Him?" And moreover he said,
"Everything you have ever told me came to pass,
so why should this fail?"
So I prayed. I said, "God, if you
want us to go, sell my house for me." I'd had
it in five realtors' hands in the past three years,
and it hadn't sold. I said, "Sell it soon if
it's you." I listed it one day, and it sold the
Now, I am not telling people what to do.
I only know that God directed my move and told me
many would die; many would flee; and some would live
through the war. One thing I know: I believe this to
have come from God, so much so that I'd stake my
life on it. I do not know when, but I do know it is
I never told the visions at Sioux City,
but a lady came and told how God gave her a vision
of troops being sent west by the trainload and by
bus over a pavement that was not as yet built when
she saw it––but is now built right where she saw
it in her vision.