From Pam Schuffert / Aug 12, 2001

Beware of the Satanist “Black Widow”…Satan’s PLAN to destroy your marriage and your family!

Every year across America, thousands of marriages are destroyed for various reasons. And the results are tragic. A young child’s home life is shattered. Destruction emotions of hate, fear, rejection, emptiness and sadness will fill the rejected spouses and their children as well. Many young people from such homes turn to drugs, immorality and gangs to fill the void left by such tragedy  in the family.  And in certain cases, it is all quite planned and deliberate: beware the Satanist Black Widow!

The following scenario could happen to ANYONE. I know, because it happened to our family. I am a survivor of the Satanist strategy to destroy God’s plan of family unity. It happened to our family. At one time, we had been a happy and loving family. My parents were very close. My father and I were inseparable: I adored him! Everything seemed so wonderful as a small child. And then…it happened. What we thought could NEVER happen to our family DID happen!

It all began after we moved permanently to the Washington DC area. My father worked at Bolling AFB, where I had been born, and my mother as a secretary for a congressman. We bought a beautiful home along the Potomac River in a beautiful suburb outside of Washington, DC. It was delightful…at first.

But then, strange changes began happening to my father. He began working late, many nights. We missed his place at the dinner table. Even weekends he was gone for unexplained absences. And his personality began to slowly change.
He went from a once humorous personality to one that was filled with dark mood swings, anger, and unpredictable outbursts. As time went on, he spent more and more time away from the family or in his basement art studio. He would go through “Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde transitions frequently, attempting to be nice for a while, then reverting to dark moods. At first, we had no clue as to what was happening to my father. We only knew that it made out whole family very sad and troubled. Something was not right…what was happening to the once jovial icon cartoonist of the USAF???

Finally , his dark mood swings became permanent. And no longer did we children wait for Daddy to come. In fact, we grew to dread it. And when he would pull into the driveway from work, my mother would say, “quick, children run to your rooms…Daddy’s home!” And when he came home, the unreasonable rage, anger, criticizing and verbal cruelty would soon be unleashed against us. At times, he was so evil and cruel that I was forced to devise a method of  being able to escape out my bedroom window with a ladder should he begin his tirades and start walking closer to my bedroom.  Soon, he was not coming home on certain nights at all. And when he would return the following day, he would be filled with demonic hatred and anger towards all of us, but especially directed towards me.

My father hated my Christian walk. For some reason, he felt threatened by my sincere love for God and Jesus Christ. He would frequently mock my faith in God and the Bible. He never encouraged me in my efforts to attend Bible college or to do missionary work.  But the more he hated me, the more I was determined to love him, forgive him and to pray for God to deliver and save him. I wanted my Daddy back that I had known and loved as a child! And I did not want him going to hell. I refused to give up.
It soon became evident to me that there was something more than middle age crisis transition in  his life to cause such a drastic personality change. I noted how at times, he acted demonically possessed. I felt at times as if the hatred he directed at me was capable of killing me. I had no proof in earlier years, because he concealed his  dark private world quite carefully from us because of his USAF fame and publicity. But I suspected that the dark side had something to do with this.

It took many years of  difficult researching, travel and investigating  to finally understand what had happened to  our family and my parent’s marriage.  My suspicions began to be confirmed as to his involvement in Satanism when I lectured in Florida on a seminar exposing Satanism, sharing my research. One lecturer, a former high priestess of one Satanist region in America, (now Christian,) spent time with me after the seminar And what she shared with me opened my eyes to the suspected truth.

I asked her if she knew a woman by the name of Florence “Pat” Jennings from England. By then, I knew the name of the “other woman” in my father’s life, and was researching her background. My friend spoke up immediately:
“Of course I know the ‘other woman’ in your father’s life! She is what we Satanists call “the Black Widow.’ These are woman specially selected and trained in the art of seduction and infiltration into marriages to seduce the man [many times sought for recruitment into Satanism]. Her assignment is to destroy the marriage and then marry the man targeted by the Brotherhood. He is to be recruited into Satanism. And when her assignment is finished, her job in the end is to terminate him.”

I shuddered. True, Pat had done quite a job on my father! I always knew when he had spent time with her. He would then come home filled with even more hatred for me and more violent attacks. She hated me, because I was working against her assignment, to reach my father for Jesus Christ…and she was pulling him into the Craft! This explained all that I wondered about regarding his many tragic changes. His turning from those he once loved to another. His hatred of God, and of me.   What an agenda the Satanists have to destroy the marriages in America…and the world!

I was determined to do even more investigating and research. Traveling down to Florida to a Christian retreat on the west coast, I actually encountered my father’s former high priest from Virginia Beach, J_________. He had turned to Jesus Christ and away from Satanism, and he admitted much to me there. Yes, he had presided over dread human sacrifice rituals in which my father had actually participated with his “other woman,” Pat. His former high priest even described one ritual in which, at Easter time in the early 1970’s, a young 16 year old teen had been sacrificed in which my father and Pat had fully participated. How well I remember that week-end! We begged my father to stay at home and enjoy Easter week-end with the family, but he hurriedly excused himself and rushed off to Virginia Beach for the week-end instead.  And returned home more wicked than ever before.

The years of darkness continued. My father was  no longer the roguish and handsome USAF hero of WWII, but now a tired  old man who found himself dying of bone cancer in the summer of 1998. He pleaded with me to return to the childhood home of the Washington DC area to set up hospice and take care of him, for he was now suffering from terminal bone cancer and under treatment at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, DC. He had long ago cast my Christian mother and I out of it, so he could move in his other woman, Pat. But knowing that it would be his final opportunity to repent and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, I told him I would happily return and take care of him.
I flew in from Alaska to Washington, DC, and quickly set up hospice for him. I also encountered many damning proofs of the Satanist activity he sought to desperately hide from us throughout the years. I searched throughout the house to discover Satanist materials everywhere. I found two skulls with candles on them. A long silver Satanist sacrificial dagger, still stained a darkened red with something dried yet flesh-like clinging to the blade (this was in “HER” bedroom.) Satanist jewelry. And more…

I performed Spiritual housecleaning, anointing the home with oil and binding Satan and his demons out of the home, breaking every curse and spell, casting out  summoned demons, and severing every soul and spirit tie with this Satanist seducer and destroyer of our family, Pat.

Our home was then prepared to receive my father back…THIS time into a Christian atmosphere he sought to destroy so many years previously.

My father was so happy to see me by this time. I spoke to him the words his tormented soul longed to hear:

“Daddy, I want you to understand one thing: no matter what has happened in the past, God loves you and I love you, and I forgive you.” He looked at me the next day as I helped him out of his bed and said, “Pam, you will never know how happy I was to hear those words yesterday…”

My mother flew back as well, and we both took care of him. He suffered immensely. But God used this pain of bone cancer to bring him to Jesus Christ, both for healing and for salvation. I dreaded doing what I knew I would HAVE to do, however, and that was to confront him with the undeniable evidence I had gathered throughout the years that he was a Satanist involved in ritual sacrifice (in fact sacrifices in not only America, but Germany and England as well, as former Satanist admitted to me across America.) After speaking to his former high priest for confirmation, I gently but firmly confronted my father. The effect was traumatizing: he did not want to be reminded of the past! He began writhing and groaning and repeating “stop…stop…you’re torturing me…” over and over as I reminded him of that tragic young teenager slain by his coven that fateful Easter weekend. Finally, he was still and silent “Daddy, you WILL perish eternally IF you do not confess to your involvement and ask God’s forgiveness and receive
Jesus Christ as Savior before you die,”  I said firmly and left the room. Later a wonderful military Chaplain sent one of his trusted Chaplains to my father to confront him personally about his Satanism.  And my father, under the conviction of the Living God, finally repented and confessed his involvement. The wall of lies and cover-up disappeared, and he admitted to his involvement and gratefully accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of his life. And the transition in his personality was almost instantaneous!

Visible hatred was replaced with gentleness and compassion and love. The sweet personality my father exhibited  before his terrible entanglement with Satanism soon returned. Our family was relieved. Daddy had finally come home! And in spite of Pat’s frequent phone calls to come back into my father’s  life, I rebuked her and warned her that our family was now restored into a Christian family and marriage, and such Satanist darkness was never again welcome in out home or family. My father died in November of 1998, a truly repentant and restored man, and he died a Christian.
I gave a victorious message at his funeral with honors at Arlington national Cemetery, where he was buried.

Although we subsequently implored Pat to come out of Satanism and to receive Jesus Christ, she wrote back that she had irreconcilable differences with Christianity and refused.
Pray for my half sister, her daughter conceived through my father, that she may be also saved out of Satanism and come to know Jesus Christ as her Savior as well.

Friends, this is Satan’s PLAN for the destruction of the marriage, not only in America but worldwide. My former Satanist insiders warned me that there are many Satanist “black Widows” trained in this deadly, family/marriage destroying craft. And many are the marriages that are targeted for destruction! In fact, I just ministered recently to a family in which the same type of Satanist “other woman” was sent in on an unsuspecting family. When the couple heard my report about my father, a light of recognition came into their eyes, and the father immediately repented for his increasing involvement with an apparent Satanist “black Widow” and is now rebuilding his marriage and his walk with Jesus Christ.

Friends, it happened to our family, and it can happen to you! Take Biblical precautions to protect your marriage and family  from all Satanist invasion. Simply by adhering to the eternal Word of God regarding adultery, fornication, and resisting of temptation through Jesus Christ, faith and prayer can prevent years of subsequent heartache and loss.
“Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you,” is a true saying.
Insulate YOUR family against Satan’s barrages in these end times.

And be aware that Satanists are using such tactics successfully in many cases against pastors and people in ministries. (And you are wondering about so many Pastors and leaders falling from grace…?)

Hear this admission from a former Satanist:
“We decided to target four prominent Pastors in Asheville, NC, to attack them and cause them to fall. We began having rituals in which we summoned demons of lust to go after the pastors and entice them. And within a short time, all four pastors fell. I should know, because the fourth was the Pastor where I had been going to Church!” (Satanists infiltrate churches, or didn’t you know?)

And the reverse can also be true: there are also men trained by Satanists to seduce the women as well. (I should know, because they sent such a man into my life to seduce and destroy my ministry, but he failed completely and was cast out of my life before anything could transpire, thank God.)

May this report be used to help others who are encountering the same type of problem, with the possible cause being  the Satanist “black Widow.” And know that you can experience total victory over such attack through Jesus Christ and following the word of God carefully.

Beware the Satanist Black Widow!

-Pam Schuffert